If you are following the IBM news, you might have noticed that they are going to release a new pricing model, called Container Pricing. Yes, another one…
Over the years, IBM has come up with many different new and “revolutionary” pricing models: mobile, zCap, CMP… Intended to answer customers’ specific needs, they might not be always interesting for you. So, what about Container pricing?
Container pricing creates what I called “a CPC within a CPC”. You cut a piece of the cake and say: “I want this to be charged separately”. Now, of course, you cannot decide by yourself which piece is eligible for this pricing as IBM always come with specific rules.
You can benefit from container pricing if…
1/ you plan to add new applications on your mainframe
New applications mean that you are launching a new activity that you’ve never have on your mainframe at some point. It does not apply to natural growth or activities that you recently took off the mainframe.
Remember that IBM is never trying to make you pay less for what you are already doing.
2/ you want to expand your development capacity
It’s a shame but a lot of companies are sacrificing their development processes to save money. Poorer tests lead to more frequent crashes and incidents. IBM wants to stop that nonsense by letting you triple your capacity for development for no extra monthly license charges.
Test and development will also no longer contribute to the billing of your production environment. You do not need to run tests at 2am anymore and that’s good news, isn’t it?
Because everything could not be like in Alice in Wonderland, be aware that OTC products will still need to be upgraded.
3/ your activity relies on instant payments
You probably end up in this case if you are working for a bank as your ability to process transactions within milliseconds is crucial for your core business. With Container pricing, these transactions can be performed at any time.
They will not be affected by any capping, as they are charged separately from the usual MLC model. You pay in terms of number of transactions performed rather than MSU.
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